Atspausdinta iš:
Vašingtono DC apylinkių lietuviai ● Washington DC area
District of Columbia ● Kolumbijos apygarda /Vašingtonas/
Lietuviška veikla Vašington DC apylinkėse ● Lithuanian Activities in District of Columbia Area
JAV sostinės Washington D.C. gyventojų /Population - 581,530(25-as pagal dydį JAV miestas)
Plotas /Land Area - 177 km2 / 68.3 mi2 (44-a pagal dydį JAV valstija)
Atstumas nuo Niujorko /Distance from New York - <> km /<> mi
Atstumas nuo Čikagos /Distance from Chicago - <> km /<> mi
◙ Lietuvių telkiniai JAV sostinės apylinkėse
◙ Susirinkimų vietos /Meeting Places
Lietuvos Respublikos ambasada JAV
Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the USA
Įsteigta /Established - 1922. 07. 28
2622 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC, 20009
(nuo Baltųjų rūmų į šiaurę 16th St. ~ 2 Mi)
2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 302, Arlington, VA 22201 - laikinas adresas šiuo metu
Tel.: (202) 234-5860,
Epiphany bažnyčia
Epiphany Parish in Georgetown
2712 Dumbarton St., NW, Georgetowne, Washington DC 20007
Dumbarton St. NW yra netoli 27th St. NW
Lietuviška katalikų Misija Vašingtono D.C. ir apylinkių lietuviams
Lithuanian Catholic Mission for All Lithuanians in the Washington Metropolitan Area
Įkurta /Established - 1985, Lietuvos vyčių /by the Knights of Lithuania
Misijos koordinatorius - Kęstutis V. Čižiūnas
Tel.: (703) 573-8193,
Šiluvos Marijos koplyčia /Our Lady of Siluva Chapel
Atidaryta /Established - 19<> m.
400 Michigan Ave. NE, Washington DC, 20017
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Marijos Nekalto Prasidėjimo Šventovėje
◙ Organizacijos, įstaigos /Organizations, Societies
>> Lietuvą atstovaujančios /Lithuania Presenting
Lietuvos Respublikos ambasada JAV
Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the USA
2622 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC, 20009
- nuo Baltųjų rūmų į šiaurę 16th St. ~ 2 Mi
Šiuo metu ambasada remontuojama ir todėl laikinai yra:
2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 302, Arlington, VA 22201
Tel.: (202) 234-5860,
>> Visuomeninės /Community
JAV LB Pietryčių apygarda
LAC Inc. SouthEast District
Rūta Kalvaitytė-Skučienė, pirmininkė /Regional Chair
Tel.: (301) 987-0322,
JAV LB Vašington, D.C. apylinkė
Lithuanian American Community, Washington D.C. Chapter
Danelė Vidutienė, pirmininkė /Regional Chair
Tel.: (301) 588-5749,
Vašingtono skautai ir skautės
Washington D.C. Scouts
Paulius Mickus, vietininkas /Scout Master
Tel.: (703) 335-2700,
Lietuvių liaudies šokių grupė "Juosta"
Lithuanian Folk Dance Group "Juosta"
<>, vadovė /Director
Tel.: (000) <>
Senojo lietuvių folkloro ansamblis "Jorė"
Lithuanian folklore group "Jorė"
<>, vadovas /Director
Tel.: <>
Lietuviška katalikų Misija Vašingtono ir jo apylinkių lietuviams
Lithuanian Catholic Mission for All Lithuanians in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area
Įkurta /Established - 1985, Lietuvos vyčių /by the Knights of Lithuania
Lietuviškos šv. mišios - paskutinį mėn. sekmadienį - 2:00 p.m
Last Sunday of the Month - 2:00 p.m.
2712 Dumbarton St., NW, Georgetowne, Washington DC 20007
Kęstutis Čižiūnas, misijos koordinatorius
Tel.: (703) 573-8193,
7766 Trevino Ln., Falls Church, VA 22043
Bendras amerikos pabaltijiečių komitetas
The Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. (JBANC)
Įkurtas /Established - 19<> m.
JBANC, 400 Hurley Ave., Rockville, MD 20850
Karl Altau - Managing Director, Tel.: (301) 340-1954,
<>, Program Assistant, <>
Rojs Dauburs, Webmaster
Simonas Girdzijauskas, Program Director
Dalia Grobovaitė, Program Consultant
The Board of Directors
Martins Duhms, President of American Latvian Association – JBANC President
Peteris Blumbergs, Representative of American Latvian Association - JBANC Chairman
Janis Bolsteins, Representative of American Latvian Association
Saulius Kuprys, President of Lithuanian American Council – JBANC Secretary
Ramunas Kondratas, Representative of Lithuanian American Council
Henry Gaidis, Representative of Lithuanian American Council
Marju Rink-Abel, President of Estonian American National Council – JBANC Treasurer
Lya Karm, Representative of Estonian American National Council
Erik Puskar, Representative of Estonian American National Council
The Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. (JBANC) was founded in 1961 to support restoration of independence, human rights and democracy to the Baltic countries. Today, JBANC has adapted to the changing needs of the Baltic peoples and the Baltic communities in the United States. JBANC acts in a dual capacity as the liaison of the Baltic communities with Capitol Hill and the White House as well as the information agent to the parent organizations.
US - Baltijosšalių fondas
The.- Baltic U.S Foundation (USBF)
Įsteigtas /Established - 1990 m.
1701 K Street NW, Suite 903, Washington, DC 20006
Tel.: (202) 785-5056,
Linas Kojelis - Acting Executive Director,
Chairman - William Altman, Managing Director, Interlaken Ventures, Inc
Co-Chairman - Hamid Ladjevardi, Managing Director, American Baltic Investments
Vice Chairman - Edward Clark, Former Deputy General Counsel, Atlantic Richfield Company
Treasurer - George Ramonas, President, The Advocacy Group
Secretary - Cynthia J. Pasky, President and CEO, Strategic Staffing Solutions
The U.S.- Baltic Foundation (USBF) was established in 1990 to support democratic and free market reforms in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. USBF has conducted professional education and training programs in public administration, independent media and NGO development, including the $2.6 million USAID-funded Democracy Network Program. The Foundation's programs established eleven permanent local institutions, including Municipal Training Centers and journalist training and advocacy institutes, and continue to help train the next generation of democratic Baltic leaders. With the creation of the $15 million Baltic American Partnership Fund in 1998, the three USBF offices in the Baltics became fully independent local foundations. In the United States, USBF has built a broad network of Americans who support the Foundation's programs and help advocate for Baltics causes. In 1999, USBF sponsored the first tour of Baltic art in the United States; the exhibition was displayed in New York, Washington, DC, Houston, L os Angeles, and Chicago.
>> Lituanistinė mokykla /Lithuanian Weekend School
Kristijono Donelaičio mokykla
Lithuanian American Community Boston Chapter
917 Montrose Rd., Rockville, MD 20852
St. Elizabeth Catholic Church and School
Šeštadieniais: 9:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Ilona Verbušaitienė, direktorė /Principal
Tel.: (202) 679-2800,